Our highly acclaimed usher volunteer staff (135 strong!) assist our patrons during all live performances. Paramount Center volunteers come from all walks of life; professionals, retirees and students. We welcome all and provide training. Many benefits are realized through participation in this program: service to the community and the arts, camaraderie with other volunteers and the opportunity to see the variety of world-class performers who entertain our community.

To become a Paramount Center volunteer, complete this form. You may also pick up an application at the Box Office (Thurs-Fri 11-6, Saturday 11-3 and one hour prior to an event). You will then be informed of the next orientation and sign up session. For further information, call 802.775.0903.

We are always looking for help in the following areas:
  • Working in the box office
  • Ushering
  • Administrative work
  • Working with the different Paramount Theatre committees