Patronage and membership are vital to the vibrancy of the Paramount Theatre. Future gifts of remembrance or gifts given in celebration are also invaluable to the long-term sustainability of this performing arts center.

The following unrestricted gifts will provide the Paramount Theatre with financial support for operating budgets, capital and equipment needs and facility repairs.

Bequests: Consider giving an unrestricted gift of any size by naming Paramount Center, Inc in your will. If you currently have a will with which you are satisfied, a bequest can be added by codicil.

Designated Beneficiary: If you choose, Paramount Center, Inc. may be named as the beneficiary of life insurance policies or as the beneficiary of retirement policies. These donations may have reduced tax consequences. Check with your tax professional.

Memorials/Celebrations: If the historic Paramount Theatre or the performing arts in general were important to the lives of friends and loved ones, you can remember their special occasions with an unrestricted contribution to the Theatre in their name. We would be happy to acknowledge your gift with a personal note.

For questions, please contact, Eric Mallette, Executive Director, by calling 802-775-0570 ext. 202 or by e-mail.